Saturday, February 29, 2020

Article Analysis Essay Example for Free (#3)

Article Analysis Essay This article gives us an insight on whether how a society in a specific country especially like of China can have a say on what their government is doing especially on projects that in return might have an effect on their lives, and also giving added revenue to their government and at the same time protecting the lives of their citizens. Even the social activist like Xue ye of the Beijing – based Friends of Nature had stated that â€Å"We are weak, but we have a chance. He already knew that it would be hard for them to convince the villagers around the place where there is a project or a construction that has to be created by the government. There may be some factors, which may take effect if the projects will continue. That is why it must be thoroughly evaluated first by all sectors before they allow it to pursue. They must not think on the benefits alone upon the relocation but through a lifetime perspective too. It is not only their future but also for the future generation of their country. The whole article is a depiction of social construction regarding the issue of trade and industry. There are different evidences and justifications that the author has redeemed. He also stated his own opinion and ideologies regarding the issue, which somehow important to the whole article because it will state the stand of the author in representation of the society based on the evidences that were found and researched. From all of this, the whole article shows the facts and data exist within the situation will state its own ideologies and perceptions of the social realization. It means that the author has its own depiction of truth and accuracy of facts and data that he has stated whether it is for or against the authorities of the society. (Author). (Date). Power to the People. (Publisher) Article Analysis. (2017, Feb 23).

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